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Risk Assessment Reports

Higher Ed Right helps institutions navigate the recent Supreme Court ruling on Affirmative Action in college admissions, enabling them to uphold their missions and core values. Our comprehensive risk assessment reports provide valuable insights to help your institution evaluate its admission practices and adjust to mitigate potential risks. The risk assessment process involves two steps.

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Step 1: Process Mapping

We thoroughly map the contours of your admission decision process, capturing its structure and flow. Our analysis encompasses the identification of simple and composite scores generated by readers, subcommittees, and committees, as well as the careful consideration of academic and non-academic achievement metrics at every stage of the process.

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Step 2: Statistical Analysis

Informed by the process mapping, we analyze admissions data from previous cycles using established econometric and statistical methods to assess if admission decisions are consistent with race-aware admission practices and recommend appropriate adjustments.

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Continuous Monitoring and Predictive Analytics

Continuous Monitoring of Admission Decisions

Assess and mitigate potential risks before finalizing admissions decisions. Serving as an unbiased third party, we identify statistically significant disparities in admission rates among student demographics that may be associated with race-conscious factors. Our ongoing monitoring aligns with the operational cadence of your institution, providing timely insights to help you devise the optimal strategy for advancing institutional goals while adhering to internal procedural mandates.

Predictive Analytics

Let Us Help You Answer the Following Questions:

1. How Many Admitted Students Will Enroll?
2. Which Of Your Applicants are Most Likely to Drop-Out if Admitted and Enrolled?
3. Which Of Your Applicants are Most Likely to not Complete Their Degree on Time if Admitted
and Enrolled?